Google Play Will Host Gambling Apps in India

Google announced great news, which directly stirred up the market industry in India. The platform will be allowed to test real money gambling apps.

Google will allow apps and play them for money, only without a billing system, that is, where there will be no way to handle that money through billing systems.

Google’s gambling policy is as follows: apps that are approved by the state government and that fall under the categories of online casinos, sports betting, horse racing, lotteries, and fantasy sports are allowed. Also, another condition under which apps can be hosted on Google Play, they must be free to download and must not use billing systems.

The apps will already be available on Google Play in India from September 28. But according to data analytics and many expert reviews, there are suggestions that the company will face the risks of such a decision and be held liable at the time if which apps can cause harm and be illegally approved.

Google will be allowed to test real money gambling apps.

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Faraz Gupta

Faraz Gupta has been running his own blog with news about the world of gambling and betting. A professional journalist analyzes the latest developments in the field of casinos and betting, studies in detail the legislation of the industry and gives his readers good advice.